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Social Network Ranker

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SoNeR (short for Social Network Ranker) is software that retrieves, from the Semantic Web, documents describing people and ranks them based on their popularity.

SoNeR supports the following functionality:

Demonstration video is available on Youtube:


The software can be obtained from the Github release page. In order to use this software a Java version capable of supporting JavaFX is required (Java 1.8+). Any additional installation configuration (such as an existing database system) isn't mandatory.

Quick start

SoNeR comes with a wizard application that combines the above mentioned functionality. To start using it simply run the .jar provided on Github. You will be greeted by the following page: Wizard initial step

The application supports the following configuration:

To try the application out, simply press "Start" as the default settings should work. Alternatively one can specify a different initial URL.


The advanced application configuration is accessible via the Advanced button in the GUI: Advanced wizard configuration

The following values are configurable:

For details regarding the setup please consult the file. It is possible to use a properties file to load desired settings by specifying the -p command line option.

Command line options

SoNeR supports the following command line options:

The module argument specifies one of the three modules that can be processed automatically, and accepts the values: crawler, parser and ranker.


In order to compile the source the release software Maven is required.

The dependencies of the project as well as the build configurations can be seen in pom.xml, but no user intervention is necessary as Maven should automatically download the required packages

In order to compile and package software as an executable .jar with the required libraries packaged in (the same manner as it was released), the Maven install option should be used, which should generate a SoNeR-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar file in the target folder of the project.

Code documentation

Java code documentation is also provided.

Authors and Contributors

This software was created by @gajop for the Neurocomputing OSP.

Support or Contact

Any issues with this software should either be reported in the issues section of the GitHub repository or directly emailed at